
Monday, December 7, 2020

Week 9 blog provocation

Wow wee, I can't believe it is Week 9 already! Here is this weeks questions - Could you have sport if everyone was on the same side? I look forward to hearing your thoughtful answers. Don't forget you can't be wrong you just need to back up your idea.


  1. I think no because no one else would be playing with us on the other side so I say no.

    1. Hello Rableen,
      I agree with you because if you were all on the same side you could not play. -Angel

  2. I think no because if everyone were on the same team then it wouldn't be better to play sport without teams so no I think we should keep it the same way because if me and my friend were mucking around because we were in the same team we would get told off so no side teams like cross teaming

  3. Hi there, I dont think we could have sports if everyone on the same team. Because how would we play against? If people were not all on the same team we could play against each other.

  4. hi Mrs McLaughlin no because there will be no people to verse

    1. I agree with you Taylor. It would be so boring.

  5. i say no because if you are on the same team it whant be fear so i say no.

  6. i don't think we could have sports if everyone was on the same side because
    i wouldn't make sense. Imagine soccer how are you gonna get a point if theirs no other team.

  7. Hello Teachers,
    I think no because all the sport that I can think of it soccer, basketball and rugby, all of those sport has to have 2 sides. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Hello,
    I think that you can't play on the same side because then there will be no one on the other side to play. -Angel have an amazing afternoon and night 😎

  9. No. It would be boring because nobody will be trying to tag us or get us out and we wouldn't have anyone to chase. There will be no point to the game because there would be no winner.

  10. i think well that everyone is playing but no one is against another person and that would mean every one would get a goul and well then it wouldn't be so fun. but if you split a team well thats fine.

  11. I think yes but it would be boring because you can't just take the ball off your team so you can only practice skills really but you could get unlimited goals.

  12. In my opinion I think no because there would be no one to verse and it might be a bit hard

  13. I think no because who will the players going to get a score and who are the players going to avoid?

  14. i would rather say no because if we have sport and we all our in the same team it would be unfair because the other side has no people in it so i say no.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I think no because if they were all on a team it wont even be a team there will be no one to verse and no one will win a game. It will also even be a game because there just a group of people in just one team.

  17. Hello
    In my opinion I think no they could not be on the same team in sport because then there would be nobody to verse. Like in soccer basketball and rugby what team will you verse if there is everybody on your team thats why I think no.

  18. Ni Hao. In my opinion I think we shouldn't have sports like that because if everyone was on the same team it will be no fair for the other team!

  19. Hello there, I don't know if one of the players vs but i think you can't vs other sports players.

  20. I think no because there is no people on the other side so it not faair so I

  21. Hello if you are in the same team i agree but if they are not in the same team now cos tahy are going to steal your idea .
