
Monday, October 19, 2020

Voting age - weekly blog provocation

Hi there and welcome back to Week 2. Saturday was the final day for voting in this years General Election and Jacinda Ardern and the Labour Governement will continue to be in power for the next three years. Did you know that New Zealand was the first country in the world which allowed woman to vote? Before this only men 21 years of age and older were able to vote. Allowing woman to have a vote from 1893 was all thanks to a lady named Kate Sheppard. In 1969 the voting age was lowered to 20 and in 1974 it was lowered again to 18 years of age.
This weeks question to ponder is, do you think the voting age should be lowered? Some young people believe it should be lowered to 16. I look forward to hearing what you think.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Rich or happy?

 Welcome back to Term 4, the last term of 2020! This term we are going to continue with our weekly blog provocation. I have really enjoyed reading your thoughts and I am impressed with the ways you are responding to other people's opinions.

This week's questions to get you thinking is, would you rather be rich or happy?

I look forward to seeing what you think and this term I am going to encourage you to take an opportunity to disagree with other's ideas. Don't forget you would only be disagreeing with a person ideas, not the person themselves. You may also find that sometimes you may only disagree with part of the person's point of view or can see apart from another point of view. Here are some sentence starters to help you out with your response.